Information on employees, customers and private operations are all housed on internal computer systems. But, just because the data is locked away doesn’t mean somebody else can’t access it.
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Digging deeper into data security
Information on employees, customers and private operations are all housed on internal computer systems. But, just because the data is locked away doesn’t mean somebody else can’t access it.
Read MoreRecent advances in technology have changed the way we have to dispose of computer drives. In this infographic we examine the difference between solid state drives and hard disk drives, and their advantages/disadvantages over one another.
Read MoreThe PDS crusher series is designed to deliver second-stage high security hard drive destruction in an entirely portable unit. With the variety of add-ons and modifications available, the crushers accomplish this while allowing them to be used in any environment. Here we have a detailed menu of the customizable options available for the PDS-75, PDS-100 […]
Read MoreAfter secure degaussing, crushing is an excellent method of physically destroying a hard drive, rendering its data irrecoverable. The PDS-75, PDS-100 & PDS-125 crushers bend hard drives 90 degrees, which destroys the internal components and platter. These machines are so effective that they have recently been added into the Evaluated Products List (EPL) for high […]
Read MoreAges ago, the only degaussers on the market were industrial, expensive pulse degaussers. Wand degaussers (paddle degaussers) were introduced after that as a simple, hand-held option for magnetic media sanitization. Today, the market is still dominated by hi-tech pulse degaussers. The Proton T-4 degausser is one of those models that relies on electricity to quickly […]
Read MoreClaims of “Department of Defense approval” echo through the software wiping industry as means to ensure customers of securely sanitized media. However, the Department of Defense and all other affiliated government entities no longer approve of software overwriting as a method to securely erase data. Why is this exactly? Because overwritten data can still be […]
Read MoreIn today’s electronic and digital era, where so much of our personal and company information is stored on hard drives or CDs’, information security should be a critical concern. According to the Bureau of Justice, in 2012 16.6 million Americans were victims of identity theft, with financial losses totaling $24.7 billion. A report by the […]
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